了解Cinema 4D S22的基础知识。探索用于创建专业3D模型以及纹理化,照明和渲染工作的工具和技术。
Cinema 4D is an essential tool for aspiring motion graphics artists and designers alike. With Cinema 4D, you can enhance your motion graphics, models, and visualizations with 3D objects, dynamic effects, and animation. This course reviews the basics of Cinema 4D S22, covering the interface, the tools, and the hierarchy—the key to grasping everything in Cinema 4D. Instructor Andy Needham helps you get up to speed with how to create and manipulate objects in 3D space. He introduces you to Cinema 4D materials, lights, and cameras, as well as essential techniques such as rendering. Along the way, he walks you through how to complete a basic project in Cinema 4D from start to finish.
【使用软件】:Cinema 4D S22
【分 辨 率】:1280 x 720
【文件大 小】:2.2GB(压缩包大小)
C4D教程:C4D R21新手入门基础教程(英文字幕) Lynda – Learning Cinema 4D R21
C4D教程:全面C4D学习基础入门精品教程 Motion Design School – Cinema 4D Journey